Refurbished Office Phones vs. Remanufactured Office Phones
What is the difference between a used phone, a refurbished phone, and a remanufactured phone?

Refurbished Office Phones
A refurbished phone is a tested working and cleaned phone, with new cords and handset.
Remanufactured Office Phones
A remanufactured phone, has been disassembled down to the circuit board, which is then tested and repaired if needed. Then the circuit board is installed into a new plastic phone shell. Basically, they are making the phone over again, hence the term "remanufactured". Since we are reusing the old Nortel circuit board and since the phone is not manufactured by Nortel, we technically cannot call it a “New” phone but many of our competitors sell remanufactured office phones as "New".
Used Office Phones
A used phone purchased from Standard Telecom has always been refurbished as explained above. Many of our competitors will sell a "used" phone that has simply been picked up off of the previous owner's desk and put in a box. You get what you pay for, as they say.