Nortel Networks
Nortel MICS - with 8 CID lines, 20 Phones, Voicemail with Auto Attendant
Nortel MICS Phone System & Voicemail
Nortel Networks, super reliable, Meridian "Digital" phone system. Expandable to 240 stations. System currently equipped for up to 8 Bell/Rogers lines with Caller ID, 20 New Re-manufactured T7316e Display phones and Call Pilot voicemail with Auto Attendant. Will work with existing phone cabling. Can add more lines/phones.
3 Year Parts Warranty!
- Nortel MICS 7.1 Control Unit
- Call Pilot Voicemail with Auto Attendant
- 2- 4 port Caller ID line cards
- 20 – T-7316E New Re-manufactured Display sets
- 3 Year Warranty
- Onsite Installation available only in Toronto GTA.
* System installation assumes customer station set wiring is in place and is usable. Telephone system requires cables from a jack in each office to a telephone system distribution panel (BIX) Can work with existing cabling if it is done to industry standard.